Westbad Leipzig

Leipzig and its surrounding region are experiencing rapid growth, and we all know about its growing demand for labor, but also about the difficulty for international workers to really
access, work and integrate into the German market.
The Leipzig International Job Fair will be the epicenter of opportunities for individuals with an international mindset and companies in search of a diverse, international talent pool. In this
event, internationals will get in touch with local companies and institutions that show their willingness to really open the doors for international talents.

Hundreds of international jobseekers and several dozen employers from different sectors are expected. There will be workshops and keynotes on digital competitiveness, artificial
intelligence, intercultural communication and more, as well as drinks at the bar and a networking area.

Take an active part in making Leipzig a city of integration and cultural richness. Meet the talent of the future, benefit from the many years of experience of speakers and experts and
register now for the Leipzig International Job Fair!


Eintritt frei

Anmeldung erforderlich unter: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leipzig-intenational-job-fair-tickets-778769680077?aff=oddtdtcreator

Mehr Info: contact@internationalleipzig.de / https://www.internationalleipzig.de/



14:30   Official opening
15:00 - 15:25 h GEN Z
15:35 - 16:20 h Corporate seduction: This is how you become a Sexy Employer)
16:30 - 16:55 h The Anatomy of a Successful LinkedIn Profile: Tips and Tricks for Job Seekers
17:05 - 17:30 h Internationals and Digital Competitiveness - Foreigners with Native Language Skills in E-commerce Marketplace Management
17:40 - 18:05 h The Paradigm Shift in Artificial Intelligence: Embracing Data-Centric Foundation Models for Improved Performance and Efficiency
18:15 - 18:40 h Wenn du willst, kannst du alles schaffen! The Schloss Biker Lady Entrepreneur - My history as an international in Germany
From 19:00 h Get together
